Read Galatians 1:1-5
- What do you think is the difference between man-centered religion and the gospel?
- What do we learn about God from these verses?
- What is different about how Paul addresses the Galatians compared to the way he addresses his other letters? What do we learn about Paul from this?
- When do you find it the hardest to accept the authority of the Apostles' teaching in the New Testament? Why?
- Why do you think Paul wanted his reader to know the gospel message from the start of his letter?
- Why is it important to constantly be reminded that Jesus came to rescue ill-deserving sinners?
- What happens when we forget the centrality of that truth? (Pride or despair)
- How or when do you find yourself drifting toward pride or despair? Why?
- Read Luke 18:9-14. How is true repentance illustrated in this text? What is the Pharisee relying on that keeps him from true repentance? What do you tend to rely upon to make yourself feel right with God?
- Religion says: I obey, therefore I am accepted. The Gospel says: I am accepted, therefore I obey. How does being accepted by Jesus motivate you to gratefully obey Jesus?
- How have you experienced the grace of God bringing you peace with Him, with others, or with yourself?
- Why is it important to know the difference between man-centered religion and the gospel when discussing the gospel with others?
- How would you explain the true gospel to someone who asked you today what you believe?
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