May 10, 2015

Group Where You Live, Play & Work

This coming week we are going to be starting a new group in South Jordan. We're really excited about this new community. Many have asked which group they should be attending. Please allow me a moment to help answer that question.

The ministry of Grace City Church primarily takes place in Community Groups. As the church grows it is not as important that we know everyone, but it is vital that we know someone. With that being the case, I would strongly encourage you to attend the group closest to where you live, play (think where you go to the movies, eat out, parks, etc.) or work. If you can't meet all three of those at least strive for 2 out of 3. Here is what I mean.

Let's say you live close to Cottonwood Heights, and play in Cottonwood Heights, but work in Salt Lake City. If that is you, please consider attending the Cottonwood Heights group. If you live close Sugarhouse, play in Sugarhouse, but work in South Jordan then attend the Sugarhouse group. You'll probably notice that both of these examples emphasize attending the group closest to where you live. Why? This next year we want each Community Group to be more intentional about living out the gospel where we have the greatest amount of influence. For many of us, that is easier done where we live. Over the past three years, it has been difficult for some of us to join the ministry projects of groups if they didn't live close to that group.

So maybe that means you stay in your current group or maybe you need to check out a new group. If that is the case, please contact the leader to let them know you will be coming while also letting your previous group know you will be moving to a new group. You can find the leader contact info by clicking here. Please contact me, Travis, if you have any questions. Thanks!

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