June 29, 2015

Soles for Swaziland

During the months of July and August, Grace City Church will be hosting a shoe drive! All donations will be sent to our contact, Welcome Matsebula, in Swaziland who will distribute the shoes to various orphanages and needy children in Swaziland. The children typically walk long distances to and from school, so their shoes wear out quickly.

What To Look For

  • Shoes sizes 1-12 (boys and girls)
  • New and gently used shoes
  • The schools the children attend require closed-toe black shoes

If you are able to purchase new shoes we have found that Payless, Wal-Mart, Target, Ross and Marshals all carry shoes that will meet the needs of the children. Prices range from $10-$25.

In general, these are the types of shoes we are hoping to collect.

Boys Shoes (Payless)
Girls Shoes (Payless)

What To Avoid

  • Cloth shoes
  • Shoes with holes in them (even if the holes are stylish, T-Style girls shoes are fine)
  • Fancy/expensive shoes (though it would be nice, we want to make sure all the children receive the same types of shoes)

May 10, 2015

Group Where You Live, Play & Work

This coming week we are going to be starting a new group in South Jordan. We're really excited about this new community. Many have asked which group they should be attending. Please allow me a moment to help answer that question.

The ministry of Grace City Church primarily takes place in Community Groups. As the church grows it is not as important that we know everyone, but it is vital that we know someone. With that being the case, I would strongly encourage you to attend the group closest to where you live, play (think where you go to the movies, eat out, parks, etc.) or work. If you can't meet all three of those at least strive for 2 out of 3. Here is what I mean.

Let's say you live close to Cottonwood Heights, and play in Cottonwood Heights, but work in Salt Lake City. If that is you, please consider attending the Cottonwood Heights group. If you live close Sugarhouse, play in Sugarhouse, but work in South Jordan then attend the Sugarhouse group. You'll probably notice that both of these examples emphasize attending the group closest to where you live. Why? This next year we want each Community Group to be more intentional about living out the gospel where we have the greatest amount of influence. For many of us, that is easier done where we live. Over the past three years, it has been difficult for some of us to join the ministry projects of groups if they didn't live close to that group.

So maybe that means you stay in your current group or maybe you need to check out a new group. If that is the case, please contact the leader to let them know you will be coming while also letting your previous group know you will be moving to a new group. You can find the leader contact info by clicking here. Please contact me, Travis, if you have any questions. Thanks!

April 12, 2015

Religion Is Dead: Week 1 Community Group Discussion Guide

Read Galatians 1:1-5
  1. What do you think is the difference between man-centered religion and the gospel? 
  2. What do we learn about God from these verses?
  3. What is different about how Paul addresses the Galatians compared to the way he addresses his other letters? What do we learn about Paul from this?
  4. When do you find it the hardest to accept the authority of the Apostles' teaching in the New Testament? Why?
  5. Why do you think Paul wanted his reader to know the gospel message from the start of his letter?
  1. Why is it important to constantly be reminded that Jesus came to rescue ill-deserving sinners? 
  2. What happens when we forget the centrality of that truth? (Pride or despair)
  3. How or when do you find yourself drifting toward pride or despair? Why?
  4. Read Luke 18:9-14. How is true repentance illustrated in this text? What is the Pharisee relying on that keeps him from true repentance? What do you tend to rely upon to make yourself feel right with God?
  5. Religion says: I obey, therefore I am accepted. The Gospel says: I am accepted, therefore I obey. How does being accepted by Jesus motivate you to gratefully obey Jesus?
  6. How have you experienced the grace of God bringing you peace with Him, with others, or with yourself?
  1. Why is it important to know the difference between man-centered religion and the gospel when discussing the gospel with others?
  2. How would you explain the true gospel to someone who asked you today what you believe?

April 10, 2015

April Food Drive

Sixteen percent of Utah's population is unsure where their next meal will come from. At Grace City Church we want to demonstrate Jesus’ love in a practical way. One of the ways we do that is by meeting the needs of our city. During the month of April, Grace City Church will be hosting a Food Drive. It is our goal to gather 100 pounds of food to donate to the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake. 

We need your help to make this a success. Over the years, people accumulate non-perishable food in their pantries that they never use. The easiest way to donate is to clean out your cupboards of all non-perishable food. Personally, I would feel much better knowing that all of your cupboards are nice and clean!

If your cupboards are already clean (bravo!), you could purchase much needed items such as canned meats, canned vegetables, canned soup and canned beans.

Once you have your donation ready, bring it to Grace City Church on a Sunday morning and drop it in the box by the door. At the end of the month we will bring the donation to the Rescue Mission.

April 8, 2015

What to Expect - 4/12/15

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen." Galatians 1:3-5

This weekend we will begin a new series titled, Religion is Dead, in the book of Galatians. We hope you will join us at 10:30am this Sunday! 

Here are the songs that will be part of our worship: